The RIASEC Career and Personality Test Administered to the BP2 Students
Thu, 23 May 2024
Posted in Technical College

During the month of May, the BP2 students of Mesrobian Technical College had the opportunity to discover the main characteristics of their personality as well as the specializations that suit them most in addition to the career paths to follow in the future.

This was done through the RIASEC Career and Personality Test that was administered to them by Mrs. Anna Antounian, the Guidance and Employment Office Manager, who provided the students with thorough explanations about how to perform this test, accompanying them in every step to choose among different written items that would reflect their preferences about specific behaviors.

After all the students had finished passing the test and got each their personal RIASEC profile, Mrs. Antounian explained the 6 personality traits described in the RIASEC and how these would be combined to give them more clarity about their educational choices and in building a solid platform for their future careers.

Guidance and Employment Office
Mesrobian Technical College

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