Two Pictures, One Way
Tue, 21 May 2024
Posted in Official Announcements

Over the course of 85 years, Mesrobian High School has become an enduring creation, woven with threads of steadfastness, love and unwavering dedication to its students and the Lebanese Armenian community. As we compare the picture from the 1940s with today’s, we don’t point to the passage of time only, but also to the enduring spirit of progress that has driven this institution forward.

In the black and white colors of the past years, we see the faces of the pioneers who laid the foundations of this school, on which generations built their dreams in the most difficult times. Their legacy which is stamped all over Mesrobian’s corridors, resonates in our ears with messages of determination and progress.

In those pictures, we see the faces of young people who are the descendants of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide and of those who were dispossessed. Young souls who found a second home here as well as spiritual nourishment in days when it was still a big problem for them to have physical nourishment and housing. Those young people grew up here and became the fundamental force that raised the collective house of the Lebanese-Armenian community with a new and solid mortar.

Let’s hurry toward the present and we see the picture of Mesrobian High School blooming with bright hues that testify to the infinite potential for growth and innovation. However, even in modernity, the essence remains unchanged: loyalty to service, dedication to educate minds and a promise to empower growing generations.

As we stand at the crossroads of the past and the present, let us embrace the path taken so far as well as the new horizons that await us. Let's strengthen Mesrobian High School as a beacon of hope, a sanctuary of learning where the roots are deep and the branches reach the sky.

Each year, let's pledge to cultivate this legacy, nurture it with care and ensure that Mesrobian College continues to flourish not only for years to come, but for the generations yet to adorn its classrooms because at the heart of this institution is the promise of tomorrow where dreams soar high and the future is built.

Vartan Tashjian

Armenian Catholic Mesrobian High School

Head of the Information Department

May 21, 2024

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mesrobian 2024.jpg
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  +961 1 260504 / 262955 / 254940              

  Bourj Hammoud, Arax street,  Beirut, Lebanon          

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