Mr. Adib Gemayel’s opening speech at Mesrobian’s 85th Anniversary Ceremony
Sun, 19 May 2024
Posted in Festivities

Your Beatitude, Excellencies, Esteemed Fathers, Honorable Sisters, Ministers, Ambassadors, Military Officials, Mayors, School Directors, Representatives of Associations, Friends of Mesrobian High School, and Distinguished Guests,

On this special day, the day of our jubilee, I speak with joy and pride to our dear high school. This day is not just a celebration of moving forward, but a reflection on a journey full of giving and challenges, and a salute to the spirit of perseverance and dedication that has built generations thirsty for knowledge and progress.

Jubilee celebrations are often marked by twenty-five, fifty, seventy-five, or one hundred years of service. Today's celebration, marking the eighty-fifth anniversary of the founding of Mesrobian Armenian Catholic High School, holds special significance. It is a jubilee moment where the memories of the school's founding are renewed, elevating our minds and hearts to great pride in our rich heritage. Building this educational institution was not just laying stone upon stone, but a steady step towards creating strong and distinguished generations, because our educational institution has gained a prominent place in the Armenian community in Lebanon.

Since its establishment in 1939, and after eighty-five years of history, we must proudly remember the role of the Church and the Armenian Catholic Patriarchate, under the watchful eyes of the Bzommar Fathers who contributed to its foundation and laid its cornerstone. At the forefront was the venerable and blessed Cardinal Catholicos Patriarch Krikor Bedros XV Aghajanian, whose bust was unveiled a few days ago by our patriarch, His Beatitude Raphael Bedros XXI. It is a great honor to have our celebration today under your leadership, Your Beatitude.

Thanks to its directors, fathers, and educational and administrative bodies, whose roles were not just administrative or supervisory, but who were pioneers working diligently and faithfully to chart paths of success and excellence for our students. They dedicated their time, efforts, and love for knowledge to care for them, sparking the light that illuminated our way and ignited our passion for creativity and excellence. Through their dedication, they gave Mesrobian a profound meaning and an attractive spirit that makes everyone who walks through its corridors feel a sense of belonging and pride for our beloved high school.

At this cherished moment, we must express our deep love and sincere gratitude to our dear high school, and we hope that the torch of education and upbringing will remain lit at all times and places. We also wish to thank and appreciate everyone who contributed to building this great edifice, whether they were clergy, teachers, or staff, as they were all soldiers in the field of knowledge and education, working tirelessly to build a generation capable of bearing responsibility and shaping the future.

In conclusion, let us thank God for His heavenly blessings upon us, and we ask Him to continue His gifts and blessings upon our high school and its educational edifice in service to our Lebanese Armenian community. Let us together raise our hands in thanks and gratitude to all who contributed to painting this beautiful picture of education and upbringing, so that our high school remains a symbol of knowledge and dedication, and our story continues to inspire future generations. Let us live together with the spirit of giving and sacrifice, striving to elevate our high school to the highest levels. Through cooperation and solidarity, we will build a bright future for our sons and daughters, filled with knowledge, faith, and love. Let us unite hand in hand, as our ancestors did before us, to achieve our dreams and aspirations in building a promising future for the next generation. Let us remain a beacon of light illuminating the paths of knowledge and understanding, and may our beloved high school continue to emanate the spirit of creativity and excellence. We pledge to carry the banner of this excellence and creativity, nurtured by our beloved school, and to always follow the path of giving and dedication.

Let us celebrate today with joy and happiness, living each moment with passion and love, for this school is our home, this anniversary is our history, and our future is renewed by our will and determination to build a better tomorrow for our future generations, preserving the spirit and identity of Mesrobian.

Thank you for your esteemed presence, and may Mesrobian remain in great prosperity.


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