Mesrobian’s SEMAS student and teacher won the second place at the international competition in Sharjah.
Fri, 17 May 2024
Posted in Extracurricular Activities

We are happy to announce that Aren Ghazaryan, a 4th grade student of Mesrobian, took the honorable second place at the WAMAS (World Association of Mental Mathematics Schools) competition held in Sharjah which was attended by young people from 19 countries.

The purpose of the competition was to present the international network of mental arithmetic schools’ students’ talents.

Mrs. Sevan Kendirjian-Sherbetjian who teaches mental arithmetic in Mesrobian also won the honorable second place among school teachers from 19 countries. It should be noted that Aren follows Mrs. Kendirjian's SEMAS courses (intermediate III).

We congratulate Aren and Mrs. Sevan for this success and wish them new achievements.


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