Virtual Cultural Exchange: A Memorable Encounter between Our 10th Grade Students and Saint-André High School!
Tue, 14 May 2024
Posted in Extracurricular Activities

Our 10th grade students recently took part in an exciting video conference with our partners from Saint-André High School in Niort, France. This enriching experience allowed our youth to discover and share cultural, culinary, and leisure aspects with their French counterparts. During this last session, our students had the opportunity to discuss their favorite pastimes, their travel experiences in France, and even their favorite dishes! It was a unique opportunity for our students to immerse themselves in French culture and forge connections with peers their age on the other side of the globe. This virtual meeting not only marks the end of a video conference but also symbolizes the beginning of an intercultural friendship and fruitful collaboration between our two institutions. We look forward to seeing this relationship grow over the years and to creating new learning and exchange opportunities for our students.


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