The feast organized by Mesrobian's Parental Committee was a great success
Wed, 13 Mar 2024
Posted in Festivities

With the participation of more than 120 parents and friends, a meeting organized by the Parental Committee of the Armenian Catholic Mesrobian High School was successfully held on March 7, 2024, on the occasion of the International Women's Day.

The participants got away from their daily worries for about three hours and enjoyed happy moments in a friendly and warm atmosphere during this meeting hosted by Mrs. Maral Harboyan.

Mesrobian’s Principal, Mr. Gregoire Kaloust, welcomed the attendees, congratulating them on this special day which symbolizes the protection of women's rights. Mr. Kaloust emphasized that without strengthening the role of women, society will not be able to achieve the desired developments. On the contrary, it might regress. He added that the role of a woman is irreplaceable in the family too, as a mother, sister or spouse, without whose presence the foundation of the new generation would remain vulnerable.

The main speaker of the meeting was Ms. Sossi Poladian, a long-term member of the board of the National Council of Lebanese Women. After mentioning the problems faced by Lebanese women in general and stressing on the responsibility of women in the struggle to obtain their rights, the speaker evoked the women of Armenia and Artsakh, who were subjected to indescribable sufferings and deprivations in recent years, until their forced deportation from their hometowns and villages.

In the artistic sequence, Mesrobian's students performed music, songs and dances, who enthused the audience.

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